Kronick family | Oregon city Family Photographer
We loved how easy the session was! We had fun and we’re able to be ourselves!
-Mikala Kronick
Hi again, everyone!
Let me stop for a second to tell you that I am seriously the luckiest photographer in the world. My clients are always so wonderful to work with. That's true of my session with the Kronick family, too!
I met up with them early May in Oregon City and the weather was perfect for photo-taking. Overcast typical Oregon day. While the weather was fine, it was the Kronick family that made this shoot such a treat.
The Kornick family consists of Halley is dad, he works in technology and loves football. Mikala is mom, she is all about Harry Potter! Harrison is a rambunctious little guy that loves spider man, Bluey and his little brother. Hutson is our little that is so smiley and happy!
“We love going to the coast, getting ice cream at the Tillamook cheese factory. Other wise we a family of home bodies that love movies and video games”
As you can see from the comments above and the photos below, this family is not only photogenic, but also a close-knit group who clearly love spending time together. They are lucky to have each other.
Hope you enjoy the pictures! Our session highlights are below